Staffordshire community groups receive their grant funding

Nearly £10k presented to Staffordshire projects

Almost £10,000 was presented at the EnviroGrant Awards to a wide variety of groups who pride themselves on making Staffordshire an even better place to live.

As part of the partnership, Staffordshire County Council has with Veolia, who operate the state of the art Energy Recovery Facility at Four Ashes, local community groups are benefiting from an extra helping hand.
This is the first year that Veolia and Staffordshire County Council have run the EnviroGrant scheme with great success. Veolia’s commitment, as part of the contract with the Council, is to encourage local residents to get involved in local projects and also to make Staffordshire a more sustainable county.

The presentation took place at The Oak Room, County Buildings, Stafford where more than 30 guests attended. 

EnviroGrant Awards